Because of the coronovirus crisis, events listed here may not be able to take place.
MARCH 2020
Saturday 7th am Church Market
Wednesday 11th pm Second Wednesday Society (New Hall)
Friday 20th eve Literary Society (Court Hall)
Saturday 21st am FOAM AGM (Court Hall)
Saturday 21st am Annual Parochial Church Meeting (Church)
Saturday 21st eve Winchelsea Arts Concert (Church)
Saturday 28th eve Guy Fawkes Society Race Night (New Hall)
Sunday 28th Clocks go forward
APRIL 2020
Friday 3rd St Thomas’ School – last day of term 4
Saturday 4th am Church Market
Wednesday 8th pm Second Wednesday Society (New Hall)
Friday 10th Good Friday
Sunday 12th Easter Day
Monday 13th am Mayoring Ceremony
Saturday 18th pm Garden Society Spring Show (New Hall)
Monday 20th St Thomas’ School – first day of term 5
Friday 24th eve Literary Society (Court Hall)
Saturday 25th pm NGS Garden openings
Thursday 30th pm Archaeological Society Talk
MAY 2020
Saturday 2nd am Church Market
Saturday 2nd am Conservation Society AGM (Court Hall)
Saturday 2nd eve Organ Concert (Church)
Sunday 3rd eve Service for rededication of organ (Church)
Thursday 7th day Garden Society visit to Leonardslee
Friday 8th VE Day Bank Holiday
Wednesday 13th pm Second Wednesday Society (New Hall)
Friday 15th eve Literary Society (New Hall)
Saturday 16th am Friends of Winchelsea Church AGM (Church)
Saturday 16th eve Winchelsea Arts Concert (Church)
Sunday 17th pm Joint Anglican Methodist Service (Wesley’s Chapel)
Friday 22nd St Thomas’ School – last day of term 5
Saturday 23rd am Wedding (Church)
Sunday 24th pm Morris Dancing in Castle Street
Monday 25th Bank Holiday