Winchelsea Arts Concert celebrating the life of Tom Harris
On Saturday 25th November 2017 Ann Rachlin will be talking on Ellen Terry ‘The First Superstar’. The talk takes place in Winchelsea New Hall at 6.30 for 7.15pm and is a fundraising event for The Friends of the Ancient Monuments, the charitable organisation which, supports Winchelsea Corporation in the maintenance of the Ancient Monuments in the Town and the Museum.
Ellen Terry ‘glamorous, charismatic, infamous’, was the greatest female actor of her day – the most famous woman in England after Queen Victoria – and lived in Winchelsea in the late nineteenth century before moving to Smallhythe Place.
Tickets for the talk cost £10 and are available from Winchelsea Farm Kitchen. There will be a pay bar and complimentary canapes will be served before the talk.
Christingle Service
Friday 8th December at 2.30pm at St Thomas’ Church
A special service for St Thomas’ Primary School
Winchelsea Singers Carol Concert
Saturday 9th December at 7pm at St Thomas’ Church
Entrance £12 by programme at the door – in aid of St Michael’s Hospice
with a glass of wine and seasonal refreshments
Christmas Celebration in Words and Music
Saturday 9th December at 10.30am at Wesley’s Chapel
Seasonal refreshments follow
FOAM Carols in the Court Hall
Carol singing organised by the Friends of the Ancient Monuments
with a glass of wine and mince pies in the Lower Court Hall, High Street
Friday 15th December at 6.30
Admission is free and all are welcome
Winchelsea Christmas Windows
Twenty four decorated windows will be illuminated from 4.30 till 9pm each evening starting on Saturday 16th December and ending on Sunday 31st
Carols Round the Town
on Tuesday 19th and Thursday 21st starting from St Thomas’ Church porch at 6pm and finishing at about 8pm, collecting for Shelter. All are welcome including accompanied children. Song sheets provided. Wrap up well, good shoes, and bring a torch!
Service of Nine Lessons and Carols
at St Thomas’ Church at 6pm on Wednesday 20th December
Crib Service
at St Thomas’ Church at 4pm on Saturday 23rd December. Carol Singing and a Nativity Play in a service designed specifically for young children
Midnight Eucharist
A Church of England Communion Service with Christmas carols starting at 11.30pm on Christmas Eve at St Thomas’ Church.
Christmas Morning Worship
at St Richard’s, Winchelsea Beach at 9.30am and at St Thomas’, Winchelsea at 11am
An Archaeological Society event on Saturday 18th November at 2.30pm at St. Thomas’s Church. A talk by Stephen Gray MSc Dip Arch APMP IHBC RIAS RIBA. ‘How to build a Medieval House’ looks at the building process from felling and converting timber, erecting the frame, thatching and wattle and daubing the walls and then, using modern project management techniques for analysis, considers the issues of completing the build between the Michaelmas’s of two successive years. Free admission to Winchelsea Archaeological Society members. £5 for non-members.
For more information, contact Mervyn Hack 01797 225021
11th and 12th November at Winchelsea War Memorial
Saturday 11th November
Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial at 11am
Sunday 12th November
Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial at 11am followed by a Remembrance Service at St Thomas’ Church
Members of the local community gathered at Winchelsea War Memorial twice in October 2017 to honour three Winchelsea men who were killed in the Battle of Passchendaele 100 years ago. The ceremony, organised by the Bonfire Boyes, forms part of the town’s commemoration of the centenary of the Great War. Two of the men, Noel and Henry Patch, were brothers, killed within a week of each other. The third, Norman Streeton was represented by family members, Eric and Adam Streeton, who both laid wreaths.