Twelve Winchelsea Gardens will open for the National Garden Scheme on Saturday June 19th and five for St Michael’s Hospice on Saturday 3rd July


The National Garden Scheme summer opening in Winchelsea will take place on Saturday 19th June from 11am to 5pm.  Tickets are available online from the NGS as well as at the garden gate – £6 for all the gardens, under 16s free.

Tickets and Maps
Gardens are numbered 1 – 12 on the signs you’ll see as you walk into the town.  Pay £6 cash for admission – or exchange your online ticket – at the first garden you enter and you’ll be given a map. There isn’t a set route.

Coffee and snacks at the New Inn and Winchelsea Farm Kitchen.
Coffee at the church 11am to 1pm.
Tea and cup cakes at the New Hall from 2pm till 5

Temporary public toilets are signposted.  Toilets are also available in the New Hall and at Winchelsea Farm Kitchen

Social Distancing
Smaller gardens may limit the number of people allowed in at any one time.  We’re sure you’ll be understanding about this.

Winchelsea Cellars
Sadly there won’t be any tours of the medieval cellars this year.

These are the gardens that will be opening
The Armoury   Tony Jasper
Backfields End   Sandra Mackenzie Smith
Cleveland House   Sarah and Jonathan Jempson
Cleveland Place  Sally and Graham Rhodda
Evens  Judith and James Payne
Giles Point   Ant Parker and Tom Ashmore
King’s Leap  Philip Kent and Findlay Wilson
Lookout Cottage  Mary and Roger Tidyman
Magazine House  Sue Stradling
Periteau House   Felicity and Lawrence Youlten
Rye View  Howard Norton and David Page
South Mariteau  Robert Holland

If you have any questions, please contact David Page 01797 226524

NGS website


St Michael’s Hospice will be opening gardens in Winchelsea on Saturday 3rd July – 10.30 till 4.  £6 for all the  gardens.

1 Strand Plat Maddy Coelho
Alards Plat  Cynthia and Richard Feast
Cleveland Place  Sally and Graham Rhodda
King’s Leap  Philip Kent and Findlay Wilson
South Mariteau Robert Holland

Hospice website