The town’s entries for the National Garden Scheme openings in 2017 have now been made, ready for the appearance of the ‘Yellow Book’ next Spring.
As an experiment, the gardeners have agreed to divide into two groups for the summer opening. Seven gardens will open on Saturday 17th June and a different six on Saturday 29th July. There are two main motives behind this. Some gardens are more colourful earlier and others are more colourful later. Splitting the opening may also help reduce the pressure on the town. Six gardens will open in the spring, on Saturday 22nd April.
The main events will raise money for NGS charities – predominantly cancer and nursing charities – but locally ARRCC will also be a beneficiary, and the proceeds of teas at the April opening will go towards the refurbishment of the New Hall. Fourteen gardens will be involved in all, with one that hasn’t opened before – Mary and Roger Tidyman’s Lookout Cottage.