Winchelsea Residents Association held its initial General Members Meeting on 6th November 2021, when some 80 members attended, with numerous apologies caused in particular by concerns about Covid.

Winchelsea Residents’ Association AGM 2021

There are now 147 members of the WRA and all residents of the town who have not yet registered to join are very welcome to do so by emailing their name and address to

At the Members Meeting ten committee members were elected, following which the Committee has met and appointed the following officers: Co-chairs: Jane Taylor and Paul Veys; Vice Chair: John Clarke; Secretary: Brian Leonard; Treasurer: Linda Bass; Membership: Ali Casey and Paul Veys. Other members of the Committee are: Richard Plumb, Laurie Rutman, Sarah Andrews and Catherine Owens

Members continued discussion about the issues of significance for the town which the association can research and seek to deal with, in collaboration and cooperation with other bodies. This work will range from responses to current pressing problems to forward looking thinking and planning in relation to trends and developments which are likely to affect the town and the interests of everyone who lives here.

A report has been sent to members about the organisation and the plans now underway for the association. Information about  meetings, and about how the association is working on issues identified by members will also be included on the new WRA website which will be launched soon.

Any enquiries about the WRA can also be sent to