Six Winchelsea Gardens will be open for the National Garden Scheme on Saturday 16th April 2022 from 1pm to 5.30pm
The gardens that will open are King’s Leap, Rye View, Periteau House, Cleveland Place, The Well House and Firebrand. Admission to the group costs £5 for adults. Admission is free for children.
You can pay for tickets online from our page on the NGS website: – or pay at the gate of the first garden you visit. We can’t yet take contactless payments. When you pay – or present your online ticket – you’ll be given a map showing the gardens and where to find teas.
The centre of Winchelsea is compact, there is plenty of on-street parking and the gardens will be well-signed. Four of the gardens are accessible for wheelchair users. Public toilets will be available.
The Friends of the Conquest Hospital will provide teas in the New Hall in aid of their funds. Garden admission money will all go to the nursing charities supported by the NGS.
The summer NGS opening takes place on Saturday 18th June when ten gardens will open, with an opening for the Friends of the Hospital at Rye on the following afternoon.
Enquiries to David Page 01797 226524