11am Sunday Services at Winchelsea Church resumed on 12th July 2020

The Rector, Rev Jonathan Meyer writes:

The services will be based on our usual orders for Parish Eucharist but of course we will not be able to sing hymns or other parts of the service and there will be other restrictions, which will be made clear in church. For the moment there are no plans to hold a service at St. Richard’s but I will keep you updated on this.

I will not prepare an online service for the Sunday but if there is significant demand from people who feel unable to attend church for whatever reason, it may be resumed. I’d be grateful for your views on this.


Winchelsea Church Stained Glass

Church opening times for private prayer

St Thomas’ has now resumed daily opening.

Sanitiser is provided and surfaces are cleaned as often as possible. Masks will not be obligatory but are encouraged and of course everyone is asked to exercise proper social distancing.

Church website here

St Thomas of Canterbury

On Sunday 5th July St Thomas’ Church provided the online Sunday Service for Chichester Diocese

This would have been the weekend of the Patronal Festival.  Pegasus Choir were due to come and sing and it would have been a civic event with the Mayor and Corporation in attendance.

To see the online service, click here