Winchelsea Garden Society’s Autumn Show took place in the New Hall on Saturday 11th September 2021.


The Show was a sign of community life resuming after eighteen months of pandemic restrictions.  A sunny afternoon brought plenty of visitors and there were lots of entries for them to see.

Floral Art

Prize winning roses

The Society’s Challenge Cup for flowers was won by
Howard Norton

The John Dunk Cup for Dahlias was won by
John Dunk

The Society’s Challenge Cup for Floral Art was won by
Celia King

The Cleveland Challenge Bowl for Vegetables and Fruit was won by
Geoff Foot

The Society’s Challenge Cup for Handicrafts was won by
Cynthia Martin

The David and Margaret Bowen Memorial cup was won by
Howard Norton
for the most points scored in Flowers, Vegetables and Fruit

The Society’s Challenge Cup for the exhibit judged Best in Show was won by
John Dunk

The Most Popular Floral Art Exhibit
voted for by Society members was won by
Jennifer Sutherland


Fruit, vegetables and handicrafts


‘An Apple a Day’

The raffle team

President and Joint Secretary check the results