Winchelsea Guy Fawkes is a new society replacing Winchelsea Bonfire Boyes. We aim to build on the many years of successful events held by Winchelsea Bonfire Boyes, and maintain this special Sussex tradition.
Unlike many other bonfire societies in Sussex, our November 2018 event will not include a bonfire or burning effigies. We do plan to continue with the unique, small (tongue in cheek) theatrical performance, procession and fireworks, which in the past has been enjoyed by all attending.
Our key aims
• Not for profit Society, returning and distributing excess profit back into the Town
• To hold several events in the Town that are both social yet fund raising. These events will also provide income generation for venues (New Hall, Church etc).
• Enable Procession/ Fireworks in November and continue to ensure this event remains a small celebration which is both safe and suitable for all.
• Continue to support other activities including Morris Dancing and Winchelsea Fete. Where possible raise funds at these events for a nominated charity
• Work in collaboration with other associations and societies in the Town.
• Ensure members are kept directly informed of all associated events and activities.
• To create a simple yet robust and transparent accounting process at the end of each operating year, which is circulated to members
• Hopefully, have fun, and give people a nice time
• You will be the first to hear about our planned events
• Helps to cover administration costs and contributes towards the November event
• Will entitle you (where possible) to a small ticket price reduction on some of our social events
• Actively participate in our planned events, should you desire.
• All welcome
Annual Membership Costs
£10 Household membership
£ 5 Single membership
If you would like to join, please email us:
When emailing please could you let us know the following:-
Contact Telephone Number
Type of Membership required i.e. household or single
Your personal details will not be shared.